Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Angel Care Movement and sound Monitor

Clay and I received The Angelcare Movement and Sound Monitor for review. I love to review items for Moms as I already have raised my son and can see the things from hindsight. I also have lots of members in my family with babies to discuss all the items so that we can see the benefits for Mommas and dads. Here is what we found in reviewing this item. There is a Movement dectection sensor pad that goes under the baby and will sense if there isn't any movements. Here is what is included

Parent Unit with charging cradle - for you to have next to you.
Nursery Unit for the baby's room and sensor pad 
2x AC Adapters
4 X AAA rechargeable batteries for parental unit

What you will need is is 
4 X AAA Standard batteries

It works great and the sound is very clear. I love this whole set up and as a parent you will be able to sleep soundly until your little one starts to move around with their little cries. Perfect for your family. I give it a 5 thumbs up. You can purchase one for yourself at

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